06-2024 ECerS Summer Travel Grant Logo

Eligible students can use the application below to apply for $1,500 in travel support from the Ceramic and Glass Industry Foundation (CGIF).

The European Ceramic Society (ECerS) will host two summer school options in 2024. Applicants may apply for one travel grant.

The first summer school option, preceding the Electroceramics Conference in Vilnius, Lithuania, will be  "Advanced characterisation on Electroceramics." The deadline to apply for this summer school has passed.

The second summer school option, held prior to the Shaping 9 conference, "How to shape ceramic ideas into real products - laboratory excellence versus industrial needs" will aim to enrich the knowledge of the participants, widening their perspective on selected topics related to ceramic shaping processes. This summer school experience will also allow students to expand their network getting in contact with experts in the respective and related fields. "How to shape ceramic ideas into real products - laboratory excellence versus industrial needs" will be held on September 24th and 25th in Warsaw, Poland.

Each ECerS Summer School option will feature internationally renowned teachers who are experts in the field. They will welcome young researchers from research and industrial fields around the world to attend the summer school.

The CGIF is offering $1,500 in travel support to selected undergraduate, graduate, and Ph.D. students from non-European based universities. To be eligible for consideration, applicants must be members of The American Ceramic Society, Material Advantage, Keramos, or the Global Graduate Researcher Network.

Students wishing to apply for financial assistance are strongly encouraged to first secure support from their home institutions for the experience. To determine support eligibility, students must submit a completed application (see below).

To register for the summer school "How to shape ceramic ideas into real products - laboratory excellence versus industrial needs" or for additional information, please visit shaping9.org/en/shaping9/summer-school

The deadline to apply for the "Shaping 9" Summer School is August 16th.


Travel Grant Application for ECerS 2024 Summer School

For U.S. students to apply for $1,500 in travel support for ECerS Summer School

"*" indicates required fields

Student's name*

Student's email*

Student's address*

Student type*
Membership type*

Note: Must be from a non-European based University or Institution

Please select the ECerS summer school that this funding will be used towards.

Please use the space to describe the relevance of this summer school to your field of study and personal, professional, or academic ambitions. Responses should be between 250 to 400 words.

Please use the space to outline the budget for your travel. How will you use the requested funding? Are you receiving funding from any other source? Use of bullet points are okay to use here.

The ECerS Student Travel Grant reimburses you for travel expenses after your trip. This means that you will need to pay for your travel costs yourself at first. Are you able to pay for your travel costs upfront and wait to be reimbursed later?

This section is optional. If you'd like the committee to know anything else about you or your application, please use the space provided.