Career Center
The Ceramic and Glass Career Center is the ideal place for job and internship seekers to find a ceramic and glass career opportunity. Ceramic and glass material employers can find the best materials science graduates and professionals.
CGIF offers Student Travel Grants to undergraduate, graduate, and Ph.D. students attending conferences. Postdoctoral students and/or researchers will not be considered.

Through initiatives like our Underrepresented Student Scholarship Fund, CGIF provides scholarships to undergraduate students to help support the next generation of ceramic and glass professionals.
ACerS President's Council of Student Advisors (PCSA) is the student-led committee of ACerS responsible for representing student interests to ACerS and its subsidiary committees, divisions, sections, and classes.

Science Video Competition
The Crystal Clear Science video competition involves creating a short two to three minute video that showcases a fun or interesting scientific or artistic concept behind ceramics or glass.
The Keramos National Professional Ceramic Engineering Fraternity promotes and emphasizes scholarship and character in the thoughts of students in ceramics, stimulates mental development, and promotes interest in the professional aspects of ceramic engineering, technology, and science.