CGIF Provides Grants to Deserving Recipients
By Belinda Raines
The Ceramic and Glass Industry Foundation recently announced the recipients of charitable grants to advance the study, understanding and use of ceramic and glass materials.
The Chinese Ceramic Society – $10,000 for the expansion of the Glass Winter School, a 5-day workshop for college students and young scientific researchers in glass and the expansion of the Ceramic Summer School, a 2- to 3-day summer school for high school students.
The Indian Ceramic Society – $10,000 for the creation of an Awareness Workshop on Ceramics, Glasses, and Allied Materials for high school students to sensitive young minds with the science, applications, and enormous scope of ceramics and influence them to make their future career in ceramics.
The Ceramic Society of Japan – $12,500 for the expansion of the Ceramics Education Program for Beginners (CEPRO), the expansion of the Seminar on Ceramics and Unique Experiments for High School, and the expansion of the Aid Program for Summer Camps at various locations.
University of California, San Diego – $20,000 for the support of four students to attend ENLACE 2017, a summer research program which encourages participation of high school students in the sciences and engineering.
U.S.-Japan Symposium on Dielectric and Piezoelectric Ceramics – $5,620 for the support of 10 students to attend this unique seminar series for the purpose of developing strong scientific and personal ties between ceramics researchers in the United States and Japan.
Ultra-High Temperature Ceramics IV Conference – $2,500 to support travel for five Ph.D. students for the conference which focuses on processing and characterization studies and to encourage cross-fertilization with modelers and applications-driven activities.
Equipment Donation – In partnership with the CGIF, MSE Supplies would like to donate a Mini High Energy Vertical Planetary Ball Mill with four 50 ml or 100 ml alumina jars and milling media sets. Qualified applicants would be any materials science and engineering (MSE) related program in a U.S. university where ceramics, glass, nano materials, and other powder processing is part of the research and/or education program. The CGIF will receive written proposals from interested applicants until July 31, 2017. The winner will be announced in September, and the certificate of award for this donation will be officially presented to the winner during the MS&T 2017 conference.