CGIF announces Crystal Clear Science Video Competition winners
By Helen Widman
The Ceramic and Glass Industry Foundation (CGIF) hosted its first Crystal Clear Science Video Competition this fall, with the goal of encouraging undergraduate and graduate students get creative with their delivery of scientific concepts geared toward the general population.
Applicants created a short two to three minute video that showcases a fun or interesting scientific or artistic concept behind ceramics or glass and the winners were announced at MS&T’23. Check out the top three winners!
1st Place | “Green Ceramic Recycling” by Rishabh Kundu & Margarida Barroso
2nd Place | “Cold Casting” by Luis Cuadros, Jose Challco, & Leonardo Cruz
3rd Place | “Does stained glass of cathedral windows flow?” by Ricardo Lancelotti & Jacob Lovi
Thank you to all of the creative applicants who submitted to the Crystal Clear Science Video Competition this year!