Winter Workshop 2018 Exceeds Expectations
By Belinda Raines
The 2018 ACerS Winter Workshop took place Friday, January 19 through Tuesday, January 23, at the Hilton Daytona Beach Oceanfront Resort in Daytona Beach, Florida.
The workshop provides a combination of technical and professional development sessions, outstanding networking opportunities, and includes a tour of the Kennedy Space Center.
The annual event is designed for ceramic and glass students and young professionals from around the world. This year, the European Ceramic Society provided 16 travel grants for international students, and a record total of 52 students in all participated in the event.
The Friday evening and Saturday morning sessions of Winter Workshop featured experts on the topics of:
Advanced Ceramics – Dr. Victoria Blair, Army Research Lab
Armor Ceramics – Dr. Lionel Vargas-Gonzalez, Army Research Lab
Bioceramics – Professor Marta Cerruti, McGill University
Ceramic Coatings – Dr. Bryan Harder, NASA Glenn Research Center
The afternoon session featured speakers and activities on professional development. The Ceramics Career Panel led interactive discussions on the career paths taken by successful members of the ceramics field. Panelists ranged from members of academia to leaders in industry.
A special presentation, “Humanitarian Materials Engineering”, was presented by Professor Clive Randall of Penn State University.
Winter Workshop participants were able to attend all events of the ICACC, which showcased cutting-edge research and product developments in all aspects of ceramics. The technical program and Industry Expo provided an open forum for scientists, researchers, engineers, students, and industry leaders from around the world to present and exchange findings on recent advances in ceramic science and technology.
The Winter Workshop would not be possible without the support of The Ceramic and Glass Industry Foundation, the ACerS President’s Council of Student Advisors (PCSA), the Young Professionals Network (YPN), and the European Ceramic Society (ECerS).
Next year’s Winter Workshop will be held in conjunction with the 43rd International Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC18) at Daytona Beach, Florida, January 27 – 31.