The Ceramic and Glass Industry Foundation (CGIF) seeks to provide financial support for projects and activities that help fulfill the CGIF mission: To help the industry attract and train the highest quality talent available to work with engineered systems and products that utilize ceramic and glass materials.

It is expected that grants will allow organizations to seed or extend existing efforts to grow the base of ceramic and glass education, training, or outreach.  Applications are encouraged which leverage other funding sources (i.e., local or internal funding, industry match, tangible in-kind support, etc.) and/or link to national efforts in ceramics, glass, or materials societies.

Funding for external grants will be allocated based on the availability of funds and determined by the Foundation’s Board of Trustees. Organizations can apply once per year, and a funding cycle is suggested to be, at maximum, one year in duration.

The Foundation provides grants to organizations within the United States as well as international applicants. Most grants range from $500 to $20,000, and the size and number of grants awarded each year will vary.

Proposals for project support must be made using the CGIF Grant Application Form, as other informal requests will not be considered.  Completed applications should be submitted electronically to Belinda Raines, Outreach Manager, at The next submission deadline for 2017 is September 1.

Completed applications received by the submission deadline will be reviewed by the CGIF’s Program Committee.  Those applications that support activities aligned with the CGIF’s mission and vision will be considered for funding at the next Board of Trustees meeting (held biannually in April and October).  Applicants will be notified on the approval of their funding request on or about October 30.  Incomplete applications will be returned without review.

Click here for more information and to access the CGIF Grant Application Form.

Click here for past grant recipients and programs.


  • CGIF Announcements
  • Grants